19 May 2009

Who knew door knobs were such a big deal...

Well, we finally have a place to call home! Saturday, we bought some new door knobs to put on the house so that we could have keys to all the doors and we labored for hours trying to get the old ones off and the new ones on. After 4 hours, we only managed to get one on. But we had finally figured out how to get the old ones off (not your typical door knob, and it was old). Patrick and his parents returned there on Sunday while I was at work and put the rest of them and the deadbolts on.
I got my first piece of mail at the house, a welcome letter from DTE (which I thought was already a bill). It sort of made it feel real, but I'm not quite there yet. It's going to be a slow process moving in, (as of today, the only pieces of furniture we have are 2 lawn chairs). Hopefully, we'll be able to move some stuff in this weekend.
This weekend is going to be busy though. Saturday, for me, is work, Aaron's birthday party, & Ruthie's bridal shower. Sunday is packing and moving and Gabe's wedding. Monday is more packing and moving hopefully.

As far as the wedding goes, we have picked a photographer!! Yay! We should be getting the contract today to review and we'll be signing it on Wednesday. I'm pretty excited about it. That's one big check off the list. Now, if only we could decide on that elusive ceremony site. I'm giving us until June 1st to have one picked or else I'm just going to go with the Royal Oak Church and call it a day. Hopefully, they will still be available for our day. I went to JoAnn's yesterday to check out DIY invitations and I'm still a little torn. I'm also working on getting the honeymoon booked (Jamaica!!) and having a special cake topper made. I have a checklist and I'm hoping to follow it and get things crossed off.

All in all, things are moving along and hopefully, we'll get everything done in time.

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