23 January 2009


The Save the Dates have arrived!! I'm very excited to get these babies out! Hopefully I get all the addresses of all the invitees soon.

Our website is nearly there, and pending a possible overhaul decision, it should be up and running by the time the cards go out.

I guess it's a good thing I got the day off on Saturday, I can now spend that time addressing the cards!! :)

225 days til the wedding!

22 January 2009

Para Tu Amor by Juanes

This is a simple and gorgeous song that I love by Latin rocker Juanes! (I've provided a little more than a literal translation).

Kinda explains how I feel about Patrick!

Para tu amor lo tengo todo (For your love, I have it all)
Desde mi sangre hasta la esencia de mi ser (From my blood to the essence of my being)
Y para tu amor que es mi tesoro (And for your love, which is my treasure)
Tengo mi vida toda entera a tus pies (I have my entire life at your feet.)
Y tengo también (And I also have)
Un corazón que se muere por dar amor (a heart that dies to give love)
Y que no conoce el fin (that doesn't know an end)
Un corazón que late por vos (A heart that beats for you)

Para tu amor no hay despedidas (For your love, there are no goodbyes)
Para tu amor yo solo tengo eternidad (For your love, I only have eternity)
Y para tu amor que me ilumina (And for your love that lights me up)
Tengo una luna, un arco iris y un clavel (I have a moon, a rainbow and a carnation)
Y tengo también (And I also have)
un corazón que se muere por dar amor (a heart that dies to give love)
y que no conoce el fin (that doesn't know an end)
un corazón que late por vos (A heart that beats for you)

Por eso yo te quiero (That's why I love you)
tanto que no sé como explicar lo que siento (So much so that I don't know how to explain what I feel)
yo te quiero (I love you)
porque tu dolor es mi dolor (because your pain is my pain)
y no hay dudas (and there are no doubts)
yo te quiero (I love you)
con el alma y con el corazón (With my heart and soul)
te venero (I worship you)
hoy y siempre, gracias yo te doy a ti mi amor (Today and always, I thank you my love)
por existir (for existing)
Para tu amor lo tengo todo (For your love, I have it all)
lo tengo todo y lo que no tengo también (I have it all and also what I don't have)
lo conseguiré (I will get)
para tu amor que es mi tesoro (And for your love, which is my treasure)
tengo mi vida entera a tus pies (I have my entire life at your feet.)
Y tengo también (And I also have)
Un corazón que se muere por dar amor (a heart that dies to give love)
y que no conoce el fin (that doesn't know an end)
un corazón que late por vos (A heart that beats for you)
Por eso yo te quiero (That's why I love you)
tanto que no sé como explicar lo que siento (So much so that I don't know how to explain what I feel)
yo te quiero (I love you)
porque tu dolor es mi dolor (because your pain is my pain)
y no hay dudas (and there are no doubts)
yo te quiero (I love you)con el alma y con el corazón (With my heart and soul)te venero (I worship you)
hoy y siempre, gracias yo te doy a ti mi amor (Today and always, I thank you my love)
por existir (for existing)


Welcome to our blog! It's intended purpose is to keep you updated on what's going on in our lives right now, particularly in relation to wedding plans, but I'm sure there will be a little of every thing in here.

226 days til the wedding!!